10 engagement ring trends

1. Bows Intricate bows add just enough flash to an engagement ring without being too tacky. 2. Customized and Meaningful Having an engravement is always in style. The sky's the limit now with some available style consisting of ring elements with built in storage for a short poem. WOW!!3. Metal Prongs Metal prongs which hold the diamond in the setting... read more

Take a Sublime Soak in BC’s Hot Springs

By Anita Draycott From historic spa resorts to remote parkland, from glacier-fed rivers to offshore islands, BC's hot springs are as varied as the landscapes they spring from. The province's biggest concentration of natural hot springs is in the Kootenay Rockies region; the easiest way to find them is to follow the signs for the Hot Springs Circle Route. This five- to seven-day,... read more

The Long and Winding Road

The day started early with our usual fresh fruit, yoghurt and strong coffee served by the ever pleasant Maria. At 8 am we left the hotel for the long journey to Otavalo. On the way we saw miles and miles of greenhouses growing a large variety of roses. Our guide pulled over and bought a dozen white roses for the... read more


Our day started with a trip to the centre of the world. That would be zero degrees latitude. Of course there is a monument and we all had to walk the yellow line painted along the line of the equator. A couple who arrived a couple days earlier visited the cloud forest which was a "bird nerd's" dream. (Their words.)... read more

Lost In The City

For those of us that arrived early, today was a day of adjusting to altitude and getting our bearings. Our little Inn remains phenomenal. Sit down for breakfast and this sweet lady brings yogurt and granola, fresh fruit and scrambled eggs - and extremely dark coffee. The same sweet lady later was cleaning our rooms, teaching us Spanish and helping... read more

Flying Indirectly

There's no real direct way to get to Quito without your own jet plane. It was an early start and a late arrival. United Airlines had wifi for 1.99 an hour and lots of tv channels for $6-8 per flight so that helped pass the time.Arriving at Quito at night is strange as you can't see your surroundings. You can... read more

Galapagos or BUST!

Last year Cathy had the chance to lead a group of travelers on a group trip to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands (see their posts further down on this blog!). They had a trip of a lifetime and everyone they talked to wanted to hear about this unique experience - so much so that they planned for another group trip... read more

Bucket List Bash 1.0

A travel bucket list is a compilation of experiences and places that are a must see and do while you are still on this earth! We're experts in customizing trips and we've had the pleasure to do just that for many of our clients when they have decided to take their dream trips. We've even had the opportunity to travel... read more

Iceland: Easier than ever to travel to this unique destination

One of my clients who went to Europe stopped in Iceland. As we now have flights from Vancouver several times a week it is the up and coming adventure destination. If you have ever considered experiencing the geysers, hot springs, waterfalls, glaciers and black-sand beaches of this unique northern country, give me a call and let me plan your trip!... read more

North India Highlights and Experience

I had the good fortune of attending the North India Highlights trip with G Adventures from Sept. 28-Oct 5 2014. Two of my desires were offered to me in one package:1. To visit India2. To experience a G Adventure tripI was joined by Sahara Abu-Ulbeh, G Adventure GPS (Global Purpose Specialist), our CEO (Chief Experience Officer), Manu and 8 other... read more

Off For The Island

The Galápagos must be one of the most preserved places on earth, if not THE most preserved. It started at the Quito airport with our bags being scrutinized by X-ray for any produce, dirt, sand or meat products. The bags were zip tied shut upon approval. Three different signatures were required giving our oath that we were not carrying any... read more

Waterfall (Bonus)

I wasn't going to write about the waterfall... I don't write travel posts that start with "I" as this is a group adventure. This one, however, was a bit of a personal experience and in the afterglow, I couldn't remember anything historical or of cultural significance to share. As we continue our journey through Ecuador, my heart keeps drifting back... read more

Bartolome Island

The calm emerald sea of the morning made every splash visible as tuna, sea turtles and rays flopped about their morning activities. With extraordinary clarity, we could see into the depths in front of our catamaran and our guide was skilled at telling us exactly what type of fish we were sailing over. The boat was not what one could... read more

When In Rome

"Its mostly flat, and then there's a few stairs, and then it's flat again." These are the deceptive words we have heard repetitively on our journey. Hills and steps have presented themselves virtually very day of our trip so far, punctuated by a variety of landscapes and heat (90% humidity to volcanic, Mars like desert dryness).Great treasure often takes some... read more

The Largest Natural Zoo In The World

The quaint Casa Marita is about 5 minutes from the pier and a 5 minutes from town - walking. Isabela Island is the largest of the Galápagos Islands. Isabela has 6 volcanoes each with their own species of land turtle. You could spend an entire vacation of several weeks just on this island.In the morning we walked down a lovely... read more

Modern Day Explorers

The hotel was kind enough to feed us breakfast after another, more calm, island transfer. We were soon joined by our Naturalist guide, Fabian. We were surprised to see him as we weren't supposed to go for a tour until the afternoon. A giant smile and bouncy enthusiasm, he explained our reserved boat had broken down and he had secured... read more

Darwin. It figures.

Puerto Baqierez Mincoa, Cristobal Island has a different feel than the others. It feels more like a local village and less like a tourist hub. Having said that, every third building seems to be a hostel. We were greeted by sea lions. Lots of them. They were on each step from the water to the dock, on every bench and all... read more

Cathy Cruises In Dubai

What do you do at 4:30am when your internal clock is turned around? Well, you go out and feel the warm air and have tea and send an email! Saturday I visited The Mall of the Emirates and had a penguin experience. It was such fun, all geared up in snow pants, parka and gloves we entered the cold and... read more